Sap Business Object Layer (BOL)

What is Sap Business Object Layer (BOL)?

The Sap Business Object Layer (BOL) stores data of business object such as business partners and sales order during run time.  This was done in order to separate Presentation layer of Web UI with the business Logic.

The business layer consists of the following:

SAP Business Object Layer(BOL) 

The Sap Business Object Layer (BOL) stores business object data, such as business partners and sales orders, at the runtime of a CRM WebClient UI session. This guarantees the separation of the CRM WebClient UI and the underlying business logic.

Generic Interaction Layer (GenIL)

The GenIL handles the data transfer from the Sap Business Object Layer(BOL) to the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) of the underlying business engine (application logic and database tables).

business layer architecture

In the BOL, there are three main types of objects:

Root objects (also called entities)

Root objects store business object data during the runtime of a CRM WebClient UI session.

Search objects (also called query services)

Dependent objects

A dependent object is a special type of business object whose attributes cannot be determined solely from the business object ID. You can only determine its attributes by using the ID of the superior access object.

For example:

One Order (BOLcomponent set)-> BTOrder (Root Object)->BTAdminH (Access Object)->BTCustomerH (Dependent Object)

Root objects, such as business partners and CRM business transactions, are implemented as hierarchies of data dictionary structures. Each Sap Business Object Layer (BOL) object appears in a tree structure with one root node. The composition of BOL objects is generic, as the BOL data structures usually include the structures of the underlying data model of the application.

You can use the BSP WD Component Workbench (transaction BSP_WD_CMPWB) to see how business objects are implemented in the Sap Business Object Layer (BOL) by choosing BOL Model).

Also See: An Introduction to SAP Business Workflow