Organizational plan

How to Display Organizational Structure in a Graphical Interface?

Organizational Structure: Organizational object (object key O) used to form the basis of an organizational plan. Organizational units are functional units in an enterprise. According to how tasks are divided up within an enterprise, these can be departments, groups or project teams, for example.  Organizational units differ from other units in an enterprise such as personnel areas, company codes, business areas etc. These are used to depict structures (administration or accounting) in the corresponding components.

Display Organizational Structure in a Graphical Interface

Menu Path: SAP menu >> Human Resources >> Organizational Management >> Expert Mode >> Simple Maintenance >> PPOS_OLD – Display

Transaction code: PPOS_OLD

Organizational plan

Organization plan


Organization display


1. Enter the appropriate Organization Unit number, use one of the search functions or enter “CMU” to get the entire Organization Structure for the Company.

2. If the Organizational Unit you wish to display has been delimited prior to the current date, you will have to enter the Date it was valid in the “Editing Period”.

3. Click on the Display Icon.

4.If you wish to view the Positions that are in the Organization Units and the people that hold them, Click on the Staff Assignments button, and then click on the Expand button.

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