Spring Tutorial

Spring Tutorial – Spring Framework Tutorials

What does Spring mean? Although Spring was initially designed to make Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) programming simpler, it’s not quite a straightforward framework. It’s very large. This step-by-step guide will walk you through constructing a sample blog application using the Spring framework version 4, Spring Boot, Spring Data, and Spring Security frameworks to help you get started with Spring.

The core framework is substantial, and dozens of portfolio projects add to it in areas like security, web flow, batch processing, mobile, enterprise integration, social networking in all its forms (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, GitHub, and so on), and NoSQL in all its forms (MongoDB, Neo4j, Riak, and so on).

Spring Tutorial For Beginners

Spring Overview

An open source application framework called the Spring Framework was developed to make the creation of business Java software easier. The framework accomplishes this by giving programmers a component model and a collection of streamlined and standardized APIs that effectively shield programmers from the complexity and error-prone boilerplate code needed to create complex applications.

The Apache License version 2.0 permits the use of the Spring Framework, an open source enterprise application framework that offers a comprehensive toolkit for creating applications that satisfy business requirements. Because using J2EE (the previous iteration of Java Enterprise Edition) for development added a significant amount of complexity to the enterprise world, the idea itself was born.

Spring ─ Architecture

We can give you a brief introduction to each of Spring’s six basic functional areas in the Spring Architecture.

Core spring Container

Knowing that the DI container serves as the foundation of the Spring Framework and offers the essential features upon which all other modules are based is sufficient. The container offers the ability to decouple the development, setup, and administration of beans (described later) from the source code of your application.

Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)

Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is also supported by the Spring Framework, with both the more straightforward Spring AOP technique and the more potent AspectJ approach. In order to maintain modularity and reusability, AOP, which will be discussed in more detail later, seeks to encapsulate cross-cutting concerns (security, logging, transaction management, etc.) into aspects.

These concerns often can’t be cleanly decomposed from the rest of the system and can result in code duplication, significant dependencies between systems, or both. Like the DI container, AOP support is both independently useful to developers and used to implement different parts of framework functionality.

Data Access /Integration

The Java Database Connectivity API (JDBC), object-relational mapping (ORM), object/XML mapping (OXM), Java Message Service (JMS), and transaction support are all supported by the Data Access/Integration module. By automatically managing database connections and connection pools and by translating vendor-specific problems into a standard exception hierarchy, the JDBC module offers an abstraction layer that spares developers from having to write tiresome and error-prone boilerplate code.


In addition to offering its own servlet- or portlet-based Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework, Spring’s Web module offers common web infrastructure code for integrating Spring into web applications, multipart file upload, and web-based remoting capabilities. This module also integrates with well-known web-development frameworks and technologies like Struts, JavaServer Faces (JSF), Velocity, FreeMarker, and JavaServer Pages (JSP).

Spring : Test

Last but not least in the framework stack is Spring’s testing support. This module provides support for using both the JUnit and Testing frameworks.

Lightweight Containers

We note that the guys continued to use many of the middleware functionalities outlined before while creating their apps without the use of EJBs. On the other hand, they frequently believed that they could only use those middleware services if they deployed their application to a fully functional J2EE application server.

Therefore, having an environment where all of those components can be built, wired, and where the necessary middleware services can be offered is much better in practice. A container is the name given to such a setting.

The EJB container, on the other hand, handles the EJB components of the application while concentrating on the business layer. The Spring Container is a container in which components of an application are formed, wired together, and the middleware services are given in a lightweight manner, much like the Java EE platform.

Inversion of Control (IoC)

In a different approach, pluggable architecture is one of the most significant advantages containers offer with the components they handle. Some interfaces are implemented by components, and through comparable interfaces, they can also access services offered by other components that they require. They are never aware of specific service implementation classes.

Inversion of Control (IoC) is one of the key qualities that any container should offer. Dependency lookup and dependency injection are its two main variations.

Spring Beans

A POJO component is represented by spring bean. Learning how to wire beans is essential to comprehending and utilizing the Spring Framework since the other five functional domains (Data Access/Integration, Web, AOP, Instrumentation, and Test) build on the capabilities provided by the Core Container

Spring Beans namespace

The beans namespace is the most fundamental and deals with DI; it provides a way to define beans and wire dependency relationships between them. To create a configuration file that uses the beans namespace, you create an XML document and reference the schema:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"

At this point, all you have is an empty configuration. You can add object definitions with the inner bean element:

<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
<bean id="accountService"

Here you define an Account Service by creating a bean element with id and class attributes. The id is a convenient handle to the bean.

Dependency Injection

The basic principle of dependency injection is that application objects shouldn’t be in charge of locating the collaborators or resources on whom they rely. The construction of objects and dependency injection should be handled by an IOC container instead, externalizing the need for resource lookup from application code to the container. There are two dependency injection techniques available. The first is setter injection, and the second is constructor injection.

Setter Injection

The container instantly calls the setter methods after creating the object. The component creation or initialization phase—which happens far earlier in the process than receiving business method calls—is when the injection takes place.

The ability to reconfigure a component after it has been created is setter injection’s most significant benefit. During operation, the dependencies of the component might be modified. With normal JavaBean programming, many existing classes are already usable.

Spring Tutorial for beginners explain what Spring Framework, and it gives a brief understanding of messaging and important Spring concepts are explained above post. we will be adding more topics in Spring tutorial, so please bookmark the post for future reference too.