System Monitoring

SAP System Monitoring Transaction Codes

System Monitoring

The Following are the transaction codes

This Traction is used for Check for Lock Entries. There may be old locks still in place from transactions that did not release, or from when the user was cut off from the Network. If any lock entries are exist then we have to check since how long this lock existing. If, this lock existing from more than one day then we should check that particular User is available or not (By using the Transaction Code AL08). If he is not available then Delete that lock. Otherwise we should wait 1 or 2 Days.

SM13 : 
This Transaction is used for Check for any Errors in Update Records. A failed or “Update Terminate” is an update to the failed database. These failed Updates occurs when a user entry or transaction is not entered or Updated in database. And we should check Whether Update is ACTIVE or not. And also we should check any Update Records are terminated.

SM21 : 
This Transaction is used to check System Logs. After hitting the traction we should goto System log–> Chooseà All Remote System logs, and set Date and time to before the Last log review. And we should check whether any Errors, Warnings, Security Messages, Database, Abends, Any other different Events are there.The log is important because unexpected or unknown warnings and errors could indicate a serious problem.

SM51 : 
This Transaction is used to check that all Application Servers are UP. And also This transaction is a central transaction from which you can select the instance to be monitor.

SM50 : 
This Transaction is used to check Work Process Overview and for Systems with out Servers. Here all work processes with a “Running” or “Waiting” State. If Batch Jobs are not Running, If all the work processes are in use, this transaction provide a hint of this problem.

ST01 : 
This Transaction is used for System Trace. By this transaction we can trace that what are the operations performed on particular file by particular user on which dates.

ST02 :
This transaction is used for Buffer tuning or Buffer Statistics. And it is used to tune Buffer perameters of R/3. The Buffer is important because significant buffer swaping reduces performance. Look under “Swaps” for Red Entries. Regularly check these entries to establish trends and get a feel of the Buffer behaviour. And in this transaction we should Maintain “Hit Ratio” is in between 90 – 100% for all , and “Heap Memory” allocated should be “0” , and “Swaps” is 0.

ST03 :
This Transaction is used to Check Work Load Analysis of . Workload Analysis is used to determine System performance. Check Statistics and Record Trends to get a feel for the System’s Behaviour and Performance. Understanding the System when it is running well helps us to determine what changes may need to be made when it is not.

ST04 : 
This Transaction is used for Database Performance Analysis. This transaction provides the ability to Monitor the Database in related to 1) In Shared Pool “SQL Area Get Ratio” should be 90 – 95% 2) In Log Buffer Allocation Retries / Entries <1% 3) In Data Buffer “Quality” should be in 90 – 95% 4) In Sorts Disk / Memory <1% 5) In Table Scan & Fetches “Long Table Scans” should maintain as minimum as possible. And we should check Detailed Analysis then we should hit “Detailed Analysis menu” Button in this screen. In that we can check Database Overview like “Exclusive Lock Waits” , “Wait Events”, “Buffer Busy Waits”, “ File System Request”, “ Database Message logs”, “ SQL Requests”, Summery Report for all activities, etc

ST22 : 
This Transaction is used to Analyse ABAP Dumps or Short Dumps. This transaction is also used for Analyse and Determine why the error occurred and take corrective action. It looks for an excessive number of dumps, and also dumps of an unusual nature. A ABAP dump is generated when a report or transaction terminates as a result of a serious error. The system records in the System Log(SM21) and writes a snapshot of the program terminate to a special table.

DB02 : 
This transaction is used to check all table Spaces and Indexes. Here we should check table spaces sizes. If any table used space is =>99 then we should increase add the space for particular table space. And this transaction is provides a way to examine database allocation. And this transaction is allows us to monitor items such as: a) DB Space History b) DB Analysis By this transaction we can view Database history by Dates and Times.

DB12 : 
This Transaction is used to check database Backups. And in this we should we see successful Backups and Unsuccessful Backups list

AL08 : 
This transaction is used to Check the users on the System. This transaction displays User Ids and Terminal Names who are currently logged on the system.

SM37 :
This transaction is used for Monitoring Background Jobs. Background are batch jobs scheduled to run at specific time during the day. Here we should check for cancelled jobs. Here If we want to check particular job then,we should enter the Job Name and enter User name in User name field or ‘*’ and hit execute Button. And verify that all critical jobs are successful.

Also See: SAP SD Transaction Codes