sap system monitoring

SAP System Monitoring an Overview

SAP System Monitoring: We can imagine if you have a job to monitor the whole SAP system and also non SAP system? Okay, let’s say that you only have 3 system landscapes that would be very easy to monitor, check the system one by one. But if you have hundreds of systems, how will you manage the system monitoring? Before we continue to the basic concept for system monitoring, we should answer this question: Why do we need to monitor SAP system? For some of you may be that’s a silly question, but for this little question will save your a lot of effort to monitor the system both SAP or non SAP.

SAP System Monitoring Concept

The picture above explain the architecture for Central Monitoring. It means we have one system as a central system to maintain all connected agent, which later we call it CCMS Agent. Btw, What does CCMS stands for ? CCMS is Computing Center Management System.  Basically, we can use transaction code :

  • RZ20 : Display CCMS architecture as an alert monitor.
  • RZ21 : To set the global customizing setting for the alert monitor.

sap ccms

We have several functional principles of the CCMS Agent which are:

  • SAPCCMSR. This agent monitors components on which there’s no active SAP instance (such as log files, TREX, stand-alone database or operating system components. Now, SAPCCMSR has extended j2ee options to monitor J2EE Engine.
  • SAPCCM4X. This agent improves the monitoring of ABAP instance with SAP Basis 4.x or higher. The central monitoring system must have a release status of at least SAP Basis 4.6C. that’s why this is called 4X.
  • SAPCM3X. This agent allow the monitoring of SAP Instance with SAP basis 3.x through the CCMS monioring architecture.

Now, here’s the quick steps to intall and operate remote CCMS Agent:

  • You have central monitoring system (CEN). Create CSMREG user in CEN using SU01.
  • Generate file CSMCONF file in CEN before agent registration. In CEN, call transaction RZ21 and choose Technical Infrastructure -> Configure Central System -> Create CSMCONF Start File for Agents.
  • Download executable CCMS Agent.
  • Installing an Agent. For example we want to install agent on ABAP instance. For Windows: [drive]:\usr\sap\<SysID>\SYS\exe\run\sapccm4x -R pf=<profile path>
  • For UNIX: /usr/sap/<SysID>/SYS/exe/run/sapccm4x -R pf=<profile path>
  • During the registration, the system displays specifications from the CSMCONF to you again for confirmation. Confirm the specifications by pressing the ENTER key in each case. You only need to enter two parameters yourself:

The password for the administration user in CEN, under which you created the CSMCONF file.

The password for the CSMREG user.

That’s it. simple isn’t it? After you register the agent, after few seconds or may be in minutes you will see the agent status on CEN. Of course this is just a little part for CCMS System monitoring.

Also See: SAP System Monitoring Transaction codes