sap Trading Goods

SAP Trading Goods Transaction Code MMH1 – Step by Step

To create SAP Trading Goods (HAWA) Creation select the following navigation path in SAP R/3 Easy Access.

Menu Path:

Logistics > Material Management > Material Master > Material > Create (General) > Trading goods (or)

Material > Create (General) > Immediately (mm01)

Transaction Code: MMH1 or MM01

To create SAP Trading goods (HAWA) enter the transaction code at command prompt and press enter key or click “tick mark” with the Mouse.

SAP Trading Goods Transaction Code MMH1

Step 1: Enter Material Number (Code) and press Enter key.

Step 2: Select the material type to trading goods

Step 3: Select view(s) button on the screen (press F5 button on keyboard) for view selection window.

Step 4: You will get available views i.e., (a) Basic data 1 (b) Basic data 2 (c) Classification (d) Sales: Sales Org. Data 1 (e) Sales:  Sales Org. Data 2  (f) Sales: General Plant Data (g) Foreign Trade: Export data  (h) Sales Text (i) Purchasing  (j) Foreign Trade: Import Data  (k) Purchase Order text (l) MRP 1 (m) MRP 2 (n) MRP 3 (o) MRP 4 (p) Forecasting (q) Work Scheduling  (r) Storage 1 (s) Storage 2 (t) Quality Management (u) Accounting 1 (v) Accounting 2  (w) Costing 1 (x) Costing 2 .

Step 5: Select the views required for your material. After selection Press Enter key, the Organizational Levels screen will be displayed. Enter the Plant or click the drop down list and select the plant and do the same way for Storage location (select the appropriate storage location where you want keep the material). Press Enter key or click “tick mark”. through mouse to get the views.

Step 6: Each view will be displayed on the screen. Select the appropriate fields. (Mandatory fields will be displayed with “?” Symbol. You must enter the mandatory field input to proceed the next screen)

Basic data 1 View: Enter the material description, base unit of measure (Kg, Liter, ton etc.,), Material group etc. Press Enter key to view next screen.

Basic Data 2 View: Enter the values required for the fields as per your additional requirement for the material. Press Enter key to view next screen.

Classification View: If the classification was selected give the required inputs to the fields other wise leave this screen. E.g.: 001 Material class. Material is batch type select the batch Allocations class as required. Press Enter key to view next screen.

001Material Class
200Material (Configurable objects)

Sales: If you want enter sales Organization Data enter through organizational levels to view all sales fields.

Organizational levels: Plant, Sales Org and Dist Channel

Sales:  Sales Org. Data 1 View: Select the required fields. E.g.: division product Division (01) can be selected either through drop down list or enter direct value in the field. Press Enter key to view next screen.

D1 ,D2 and D3

Sales:  Sales Org. Data 2 View: Enter the value as per required. Press Enter key to view next screen.

Sales: General Plant Data View: Select the required fields. E.g.: Avail. Check Daily requirements (01) can be entered or select through the drop down list.

01        Daily requirements

02       Individual requirement

CH       Batches

KP       No Check 

Create Trading Goods HAWVA sap

Foreign Trade: Export data View: Select the appropriate valve in the concerned fields. Press Enter key to view next screen.

Sales Text View: Any sales related text information might be entered here. Press Enter key to view next screen.

Purchasing View: Select the responsible Purchasing group to procure the material. E.g.: Raw material & Packing (PG1) can be entered in the field or select the value through the drop down list. If you want give the order unit also makes sure that base unit and order unit must be different. Press Enter key to view next screen.

PG1,PG2,PG3,PG4 andPG5

Foreign Trade: Import Data View: Enter the required values in to the fields. Press Enter key to view next screen.

Purchase Order text View:  You can enter any comments or instructions to Purchase Dept., while procuring the material. Press Enter key to view next screen.

MRP1 View: MRP type (PD for MRP, R1 for Time Phase Planning, VV for Forecast based Planning), MRP Controller ( ), Lot Size (FX for Fixed Order Quantity MB for Monthly Lot size) should be entered as required. Concerned values can be selected DROP DOWN LISTs from, respective fields. Press Enter key to view next screen.

PD       MRP

R1       Time Phase Planning

VV       Forecast based Planning

MRP 2 View: Enter the Procurement type (E.g. In- house production (E)). Select the Issue Storage location through drop down list or enter the value if you already known. Press Enter key to view next screen.

E          In- house production

F          External Procurement

X         Both procurement

MRP 3 view: Enter the required fields. E.g. If the material is forecast requirement enter the required valve in the period Indicator (e.g. Monthly (M)). Enter the value in the Availability Check (01 for   Daily Requirements, 02 for Individual requirements, CH for Batches, KP for No check etc. Press Enter key to view next screen.

M        Monthly

W        Weekly

T         Day

MRP 4 view: Enter the required fields. Press Enter key to view next screen.

Forecasting View: Enter the required fields. Press Enter key to view next screen.

Work Scheduling View: Enter the required fields. Press Enter key to view next screen.

Storage 1 View: If the material is for Batch Management “tick” in the box provided near by Batch Management field on the screen. Enter the other field if required. Press Enter key to view next screen.

Storage 2 View: Enter the required fields. Press Enter key to view next screen.

Account 1 View: Enter the valuation class, Price control “V” for moving average price and “S” for Standard price and appropriate price in the concerned field and price unit. Press Enter key to view next screen. 

Account 2 View: Enter the required fields. Press Enter key to view next screen.

Costing 1 View: Enter the required fields. Press Enter key to view next screen.

Costing 2 View: Enter the required fields. Press Enter key to view next screen.

Next.. Press Cntr+s key.

To save the document or choose

After saving the document, “Material xxxxxxxx created” number will be displayed on status bar.

Also See: Materials Management Terms in SAP