SAP Installation Guide

SAP Installation Guide Step by Step for Begineers

we here with share the sap installation step by step procedure for easy downloadable and installation of SAP.

SAP Installation Step by Step Guide

  1. Download the Installation Guide (
  2. Check the compatibility of OS and DB (
  3. Download the software from (
  4. Search for the known problems from (
  5. Install the OS related patches/ fix packs etc
  6. Install JRE 1.4.2_12
  7. Set the Java environment JAVA_HOME path
  8. Set the virtual memory to 20 GB on windows
  9. Set the hostname not more than 13 characters
  10. Make an entry of the hostname in Hosts file
  11. Ensure the installation ports 21212 and 21213 are kept open
  12. Ensure the ports 3200, 3300, 3600, 4700 are kept open (DVEBMGS uses these ports)
  13. Dump the software into system without any spaces in the directories
  14. Verify the software using LABLE.ASC
  15. Get the Static IP address (192, 172, 10 networks)
  16. Ensure the internet connection is available with a valid S-USERID
  17. Execute sapinst.exe
  18. Select 2004s
  19. Central instance and Typical Installation
  20. JAVA Components and JCE Policy
  21. Provide SID and Inst Directory
  22. Provide Master Password
  23. Provide DB SID and DB Host
  24. Exports path
  25. Kernel Path
  26. Oracle Client
  27. SLD (Local SLD) Provide Object server name: Host name
  28. Parameter Summary
  29. Solman Key
  30. Installation Proceeds.

Also See: How to do Installation of Presentation Server (SAPGUI)?