logical database PNP

How to Create HR Report Category in Logical Database PNP?

Logical database PNP : SAP Human Resources (HR) management system solution is one of the largest modules in the SAP R/3 system which enables the effective management of information about th people within an organization and integrates this information within external system and SAP’s modules.

In Human Resources (HR), the following logical databases can be used as a data source for HR InfoSets:

1), PNP 2),PAP 3),PCH

By selecting a logical database, you determine the HR data that can be reported on using an InfoSet.

Logical Database PCH 

This logical database generally enables you to report on all HR infotypes. However, you are advised not to use this logical database unless you want to report on Personnel Planning data.

Logical Database PNP 

Use logical database PNP to report on HR master data. It is possible to use logical database PCH to access this data, but PNP meets such reporting requirements more quickly because it is best suited to the task of selecting persons.

Logical database PNP enables you to access HR master data and infotypes from Personnel Planning. For example, you have the following options:

1), Reporting on the costs, number of attendees booked, and instructor for a business event on which an employee is booked

2), Reporting on working time and planned compensation for a position that an employee occupies

3), Reporting on the validity and proficiency of a qualification that an employee fulfills

Create HR Report


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From a technical perspective, this means you can use PNP to report on all of the infotypes that exist for objects (infotype 1000) that have a direct relationship (infotype 1001) with the Person object.

The ability to access infotypes from Personnel Planning using logical database PNP is a special feature that you can only use in the context of SAP Query and Ad Hoc Query. You cannot use this functionality for ABAP reports you programmed yourself.

You can also use logical database PNP to report on data from Personnel Time Management (infotypes 2000 to 2999) and Payroll (special payroll infotypes for the USA and customer infotypes; for more information, access Customizing for the Human Resources Information System and see Payroll Results).

Logical Database PAP

Logical database PAP enables you to access data from Recruitment.

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