Document Number Assignment in SAP System
In the SAP System, every document is assigned a number that identifies it uniquely within a fiscal year and company code.
There are two types of number assignment:
External (by the user)- Need Auto generated Number confirmed by VR.
The accounting clerk enters the number of the original document during document entry. A prerequisite is that the document numbers are unique. The system checks whether the number entered already exists and prevents users from assigning the same number twice. Numbers assigned to documents that have been archived however, can be reused.
Document Number Assignment in SAP System
Internal (by the system)
The system automatically assigns a sequential number.You use a number range to define how the document number is assigned. Each document type has a specific number range from which the document number is selected.
Internal number assignments would be assigned to all document types as per best practice. As company requirements yearly intervals will be created.
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