sap purchasing info records

SAP Purchasing info Records Types?

The purchasing info records is source of information for purchasing. It contains information on a specific material and a vendor supplying the material. For example, the vendor’s current pricing is stored in the info record. The purchasing info records referred to in abbreviated form as called Info record.

Types of SAP Purchasing info records, There are two types of info records available in sap

Info records with a material master record (e.g. for stock material), This type of info record represents the relationship between a material or service (for which a master record exists) and a vendor.

Info records without a material master record (e.g. for consumable materials), This type of info record represents the relationship between a material or service for which no master record exists and a vendor.

Sucontractor info records
A subcontractor info records contains ordering information for subcontract orders. For example, if you subcontract the assembly of a component, the subcontractor info record would include the vendor’s (subcontractor’s) price for assembling the component.

Pipeline info records
The pipeline info record contains information on a vendor’s commodity that is supplied through a pipeline (for example, oil or water) or via similar means (for example, electricity through the mains). The info record contains the vendor’s price for the consumption of such commodities by the buyer (“pipeline withdrawals”). You can store withdrawal/usage prices for different validity periods.

sap purchasing info records
Also See: How to create Purchase info records

Structure of an info records
An info record contains general data and organizational data:

General data -Data that is valid for each purchasing organization or each plant (for example, origin data, reminder levels, and the order unit). Organizational data – Data such as prices and pricing conditions that you can store for the relevant purchasing organization or plant.

Texts in the info records
The info record contains the following text types: Info record memo.. An internal note that is adopted in the PO item. The info record memo is not printed out

PO text in info records
This text serves to describe the order item and corresponds to the PO text in the material master record. It is adopted in the PO item and included in the printout.

Short text
For material that has a material master record, the short text (short description) is copied directly from the material master record into the PO or the outline purchase agreement.

Purchasing info records stores information on the material and vendor supplying the material. For Example, vendors present price of particular material is stored in info record. Purchase info record can be maintained at plant level or other end its at purchasing organization level.

Also See: What is Invoice Verification in the SAP System?