SAP Security

What is SAP Security? Complete Beginners Tutorial

We will learn about the fundamentals of SAP Security in this Tutorial. SAP Security is safeguard SAP data and applications from unauthorised access, SAP Security must strike a delicate balance.

What is SAP Security?

SAP Security is one of the most crucial aspects of SAP. Although security is regarded as a specialist’s field, it is crucial that the IT department of an organisation understands fundamental implementation and is not dependent on a specialist for all necessities. Follow our straightforward 10-step method to setup SAP Security if you want to take care of SAP Security maintenance in-house.

What Is the Importance and functions of SAP Security?

SAP systems store a lot of confidential or delicate data. Users on your network who use a SAP system should have access to all the information they require to carry out their tasks, but not too sensitive data like financial records or secret information. An employee runs the risk of creating problems by deleting or transferring something if they unintentionally obtain access to material that has to be protected. Even worse, the idea of someone intentionally accessing sensitive data to harm your organisation, cause data breach, or commit fraud is alarming. Additionally, for regulatory purposes, certain sorts of information (such as that regarding health or financial data) must be appropriately protected in particular businesses.

SAP Security Concepts


Access to SAP functionality is gained using transaction codes. STAD data offer protection from unauthorised transaction access. Does it maintain track of details such as who used specific vital features? How soon? To monitor, analyse, audit, and maintain the security concept, STAD data can be employed.

SAP Cryptographic library

The SAP Cryptographic Library is the company’s standard encryption offering. Between various SAP server components, it facilitates Secure Network Communication (SNC). You must purchase a product from an SNC authorised partner if you want front-end components.

Security of the Internet Transaction Server (ITS)

Internet Transaction Server (ITS), a middleware component, is used to enable web browser access to SAP system applications. The ITS design includes many security features, such as the ability to run the Agate and Wgate on separate hosts.

Basics of Networking (SAPRouter, Firewalls, DMZ, and Network Ports)

Firewalls & DMZ, Network Ports, SAPRouter, and other fundamental security solutions are utilised by SAP. A firewall is a combination of hardware and software elements that establishes the connections that should be made between communication partners. You can utilise application level gateways to filter SAP network traffic, such as SAP Web dispatcher and SAPRouter.

Web-AS Security (Load Balancing, SSL, Enterprise Portal Security)

For creating an encrypted connection between a server and client, SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a widely used security protocol. By identifying the encryption’s key variables, SSL enables you to verify the communication partners (server and client).

AIS (Audit Information System)

We can use an auditing tool called the Audit Information System, or AIS, to thoroughly examine the security components of your SAP system. AIS is made for system and business audits. The Audit InfoStructure is where AI displays its data.

Single Sign-On

We can set up the same user credentials to log into numerous SAP systems using the single sign-on option offered by SAP. Maintaining multiple user credentials has a negative impact on security and administrative costs. Through data transfer encryption, it maintains confidentiality.

Mobile SAP Apps SAP Security

SAP apps are now accessible on mobile devices due to an increase in mobile users. However, there is a danger in this exposure. The prospect of critical customer data being lost by an employee poses the greatest threat to a SAP app.

The fact that most mobile devices have remote wipe capability is an advantage of mobile SAP. Businesses are seeking to use many CRM-related services that are cloud-based, which means that private information is not kept on the device.

The top mobile SAP security providers include SAP Mobile Academy, SAP Hana cloud, SAP Afaria, and SAP Netweaver Gateway.

Why is Security Required?

In order to access the data in a distributed environment, there is a chance that sensitive information and data will be exposed to unauthorised access and system security will be compromised for a variety of reasons, including a lack of password policies, poorly maintained standard super users, or any other factors.

Here are a few main breach of access violations in a SAP system.

  • Strong password guidelines are not upheld.
  • Passwords are not changed frequently, and standard users, super users, and DB users are not kept up to date.
  • The parameters for the profile are incorrectly defined.
  • Inactive user session end policies are not set, and unsuccessful logon attempts are not tracked.
  • When sending data over the internet, neither network communication security nor the use of encryption keys is taken into account.

Users of the database are not properly managed, and no security precautions are taken into account when putting up the information database.

After that, in this tutorial on SAP Security for Beginners, we’ll learn about best practises for SAP security.