To Make Settings for SAP BW 3.5 and SAP EP 6.0

Making Settings for SAP BW 3.5 and SAP EP 6.0 Purpose A number of settings need to be made in the BW system for the Integration of SAP BW 3.5 and SAP EP 6.0. Some settings in SAP BW and SAP EP are dependent upon each other.

We recommend that you keep to the specified order when maintaining settings in SAP BW and SAP EP.

The report Maintaining Settings for Integration into SAP Enterprise Portal (report RSPOR_SETUP) supports SAP BW and SAP EP administrators in setting up a secure connection, in either direction. You make these settings in a series of steps. First the report asks you to specify some necessary details and then automatically determines additional specifications that you have to enter either manually or automatically when following these steps.

The required settings are also summarized in Customizing under SAP Reference IMG (transaction code SPRO) ® SAP Customizing Implementation Guides ® SAP NetWeaver ® SAP Business Information Warehouse ® Reporting-Relevant Settings ® BEx Web ® Integration into SAP Enterprise Portal.

PrerequisitesIf you are an SAP BW administrator, you have authorizations for the transaction codes SM59, SMGW, RZ10, STRUSTSSO2, SM30 (table RSPOR_T_PORTAL) and, if necessary, STMS.

SAP BW 3.5

If you are an SAP EP administrator, you have the portal roles super_admin_role and assigned to you. You also have access to the file system on the portal server. If you do not have a local installation of the on your PC, you need a connection (for example, remote desktop connection) to the portal server.

Where various people are responsible for the administration of SAP BW and SAP EP, we recommend that, from an organizational point of view, administrators work together closely.

Connections Between SAP BW and SAP EPThe present report supports establishing connections between SAP BW and SAP EP. The portal communicates with the BW system using the Web protocol http or https. The definition is performed on the system object in the portal.

The BW system uses an RFC connection to communicate with the portal. The portal acts as an RFC server and the BW system as an RFC client. An RFC destination is created using the report.

Single Sign-On Between SAP BW and SAP EPSingle Sign-On avoids having to log on to the BW system and the portal separately. SAP Logon Tickets facilitate Single Sign-On. SAP Logon Tickets are generated in the source system and contain system ID, user, validity and a digital signature. The digital signature is created using the private certificate key. The signature can be verified in the target system using certificates with a public key. The source system must be entered in the access control list (Access Control List, ACL). This is because the target system has to trust SAP Logon Tickets from the source system.

To use Single Sign-On without any problems you need to specify the complete URL, including host name and domain. The portal must be called in the Web browser with host name and domain. For this reason the portal URL prefix including domain must be entered in step 3. When calling BW iViews within the portal, the host name of SAP Web AS is used from step 7. This is why you have to specify the domain there. For more information, see SAP Logon Tickets for Multiple Domains.

Process FlowPreparationBefore you start to maintain settings, you determine general specifications. This information is used, in part, by various steps. If you determine this mandatory information at the start, you can perform the steps in a simple, logical sequence.

Report RSPOR_SETUP summarizes these specifications in the selection screen. The specifications are saved for the current session so that the transactions for the individual steps can be called separately from the SAP Reference IMG.

In the selection screen of the report you then determine the following values:

Create RFC Destinations in the J2EE EngineProgram ID

The program ID is the name of the registered server program (see the step Creating RFC Destinations for SAP EP 6.0).

Portal directory

The portal directory is used to start the SAP J2EE Engine Administrator tool. The file ./admin/go.bat has to be below the directory. The SAP J2EE Engine Administrator can also be installed locally on the administrator’s PC. The portal server can then be accessed externally.

BW users and BW password

The J2EE Engine uses the values BW user and BW password to request the signatures of the RFC function modules in the BW system. You can compare users with ALEREMOTE.

Creating an RFC Destination for SAP EP 6.0User-defined RFC destination, program ID as RFC destination and RFC destination

The report allows you to choose any name for the RFC destination. Otherwise the program ID is used (see above). If you choose a user-defined name, enter the name under RFC destination.

RFC description

The RFC description is the text that is displayed in the BEx Web Application Designer and BEx Query Designer applications as the description for the connected portal.

Maintain Portal Server Settings for SAP EP 6.0Default

To select a portal as the default portal, select Default. A warning will be produced if another portal is already marked as the default portal.

Portal URL prefix

The Portal URL prefix is necessary for the input help in the BEx Broadcaster. The report uses the portal URL prefix to list particular iViews for maintaining or testing the settings. The portal roles super_admin_role and are necessary for calling these iViews.

RM prefix for BW metadata

The RM prefix for BW metadata is required in the step Setting up Repository Managers for BW in SAP EP 6.0 and also has to be maintained in the portal server settings. The prefix determines the path in Knowledge Management under which BW metadata is accessed by the Repository Manager.

Exporting the BW Certificate to SAP BWExport path and export file name

The BW certificate is saved under the specified path and file name and can then be imported into SAP EP 6.0.

Create a BW System in SAP EP 6.0Path in portal content and name in portal content

The BW system in SAP EP 6.0 is created under the specified path and name in the Portal Content Studio.

Templates for defining BW systems in SAP EP 6.0

When creating a BW system in SAP EP 6.0 you can choose either System with Load Balancing or System with Application Server as a template. The necessary information is determined and displayed depending on the template selected.

System alias

Every system in SAP EP 6.0 requires a system alias. You can enter any value. We recommend that you use the logical system name as the alias.

Creating system alias SAP_BW

For the portal role Business Explorer (, a BW system is required in the portal with the system alias SAP_BW. Note that there can only be one system with the alias SAP_BW.

Configure User Management in SAP EP 6.0Logon ticket client

The logon ticket client can be any value between 000 and 999. The client is necessary if several portals with identical portal SIDs are connected.

You have to enter the client when you import the portal certificate into the BW system.

Exporting the Portal Certificate into SAP EP 6.0Portal SID

The Portal SID is required so that naming conventions are observed. It has to be entered when you import to the BW system.

Import path and import file name

The portal certificate should be saved under the specified path and file name and can then be imported into SAP BW.

Maintaining User Assignments in SAP EP 6.0User-mapping user and user-mapping password

The user-mapping user and password are used to check user assignment. This information is not absolutely necessary but does ensure that all settings have been made for a secure connection from SAP BW to SAP EP.

Procedure 1. Determine the required specifications described above.

2. Execute report Maintain Settings for Integration into SAP Enterprise Portal (report RSPOR_SETUP) directly (transaction code SA38) or using the SAP Reference IMG (transaction code SPRO).

3. Enter the necessary specifications in the selection screen.

4. Choose Execute.

5. Choose Previous Step or Next Step to switch between the individual steps.

6. Choose Execute Step to execute the step. The system either starts the application that allows you to enter information manually, or executes the step automatically. For each step, the report supports the start-up of the appropriate application for executing that step manually.

To execute the necessary steps in the following order:

1. Create an RFC destination in the J2EE-Engine in SAP EP 6.0

2. Create an RFC destination for SAP EP 6.0 in SAP BW

3. Maintain the portal server settings for SAP EP 6.0 in SAP BW

4. Maintain Single Sign-On in SAP BW

5. Export the BW certificate in SAP BW

6. Import the BW certificate in SAP EP 6.0

7. Create BW system in SAP EP 6.0

8. Configure user management in SAP EP 6.0

9. Export the portal certificate in SAP EP 6.0

10. Import the portal certificate in SAP BW

11. Set up repository manager for BW in SAP EP 6.0

12. Maintain user assignment in SAP EP 6.0

13. Import SAP Basis Plug-In in SAP BW

The documentation for the individual steps describes the manual process. The report Maintaining Settings for Integration into the SAP Enterprise Portal (report RSPOR_SETUP) executes some of these steps automatically.

In addition, the following optional settings can be useful:

· Maintaining Authorizations

· Maintaining Access Control Lists (ACL) in Knowledge Management

· Menu entry “Publish to Enterprise Portal 5.0

Also See: SAP BW Errors adn Fixes for Trasnport