Purchasing Information Records

To Create Purchasing Information Records for material with Material Master

Purchasing Information Records (Info records) are maintained as Master data, just as Material and Vendor master data is maintained.  Info records may be created for materials that have a material master record, and for materials that do not (Material Groups).  An Info record links a material to a vendor.  A material may be supplied by more than one vendor.  Therefore, there could be more than one Info record linking a material to a number of vendors.

The Info record contains information specific to the vendor and material combination.  For example, an Info record may contain the number of reminder letters to be sent to a vendor for expediting purposes, and the unit of measure for ordering from the vendor. The Info record also reflects price changes made by the vendor for the material.  This information can be useful when evaluating and selecting quotations.

Purchasing Information Records for material

Input – Required Fields include Vendor,Material,Purchasing org,Standard,Short text,Material group,Order unit,Sort string, Purch. Group,Standard qty,Net price,Qty. conversion.

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Purchase organization on the initial screen is normally filled in and required in most companies.  It should be left blank if the info record will be for all purchasing organizations and information from Purchase org screens will not be used.

On the Purchase org 1 data screen or condition screen, the net price should only be filled in if the user plans on maintaining the price manually.  Otherwise the last PO document will maintain the pricing for all subsequent PO’s.  Once the net price is filled in, the system will not allow the user to blank this field out and switch to the last PO pricing method. The user can also use conditions to fill in net price.

Step by Step,

Logistics>Materials management>Purchasing>Master data>Info record>Create

Logistics>Sales and Distribution>Foreign Trade/Customs>General Foreign Trade Processing>Import/Export>Master Data>Purchasing Info Record

Logistics>Production>KANBAN>Environment>Purchasing>Master Data>Info Record>Create

Transaction Code ME11

Step 1: To Purchasing Information Records for material Initial Screen, enter require information in the fields as specified in the table below:

Purchasing Information Records

Step 2: Next Create Purchasing Info Record: General Data, enter information in the fields as specified in the screen,

Create Purchasing Info Record

Step 3: Create Purchasing Info Record: Purch. Organization Data 1 & 2, enter information in the fields as specified in the table:

Step 4: To Create Purchasing Info Record: Text Overview, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below:

Purchasing Information Records table

Step 5: Save

Also See: How to create purchase order in sap using me21n