SAP signature Design

SAP Signature Design

Are you aware that SAP GUI is re-designed in brand new fashion design? To be honest I wasn’t for quite a log time. I suddenly found that why I was roaming in Control Panel of my Windows installation. Here under settings of “SAP Configuration” I found new item related to SAP signature Design.

SAP Signature Design

According SAP this new design of SAP GUI was introduced in 3rd quarter of 2008 (approximately around end of November 2008) due to GUI 6.4 end of maintenance. New design is valid only for versions 7.1 and higher. Actually I was able to recognize it after I installed patch 11, 7.10C3.

The purpose of new design is to align with state of the art visual designs similar to Microsoft products like Windows Vista or Office 2007. Other reason is to unite all previous design of SAP’s front-end components to one User Interface layout. This is so called harmonization of look and feel SAP applications. For more information see official SAP Note 1233328 – SAP Signature Design for SAP GUI for Windows.

For hose who are curious how Signature design look like see TA RSA1 in all its beauty:

 Also See: High Level & Fundamental understandings of SAP System Architecture