Partial Delivery

SAP SD – Complete and Partial Delivery

Complete Delivery check :This is required when customer wants order to deliver completely. This can be set either in customer master or Sales Order.

SO Partial Delivery

For SO partial delivery we have following scenarios:

Partial delivery allowed

  • A Create a delivery with qty greater than zero
  • B Create only one delivery (also with quantity = 0)
  • C Only complete delivery allowed
  • D No limit to subsequent deliveries

Indicator – Partial delivery allowed: We can create multiple partial deliveries for SO line item.

Indicator – A (Create a delivery with qty greater than zero): If due to some reasons, we can delivery only partial quantity, using this indicator we can’t create other delivery for remaining quantity. Order is marked as complete.

Indicator – B (Create only one delivery (also with quantity = 0)): Same as indicator A, the difference is we can create a delivery with zero qty also.

Indicator – C (Only complete delivery allowed): System gives a warning message, if we try to create line item partial delivery.

Indicator – D (No limit to subsequent deliveries): We can create as many as deliveries as we want. We can even do over delivery. Order status is not completed until we assign it manually.

Partial delivery indicator can be set in Sales Order item level, customer material info record of customer master record.

Delivery group

This is used when u want to ship few selected lines items together from SO. Delivery group can be set Shipping tab from the overview screen.

This is basic info about Complete and Partial Delivery, if you need more information on this, pls email me or reply via comments.

Also See: Configuration of Sales Document Types