go live

SAP Support & implementation – Go live an Overview

The purpose of this phase is to move from a pre-production environment to a live productive operation. After loading the closing balances in the system it is handed over to users for productive use. We must set up a support organization for users, not just for the initial critical days of your productive operations but also to provide long term support.

During this phase, users have many questions. There must be a solid user support organization easily accessible to all users. This phase is also used to monitor system transactions and to optimize overall system performance.


1. Production Support Procedures, and Project Conclusion

  • As is the representation of the company’s processes / system architecture as they exist before implementation. (AS-IS is called the Business Process Procedures doc)
  • ToBE is the design of the architecture/ processes after the implementation is complete. (TO-BE is called the Business Blueprint doc)
  • So basically the purpose of the implementation is to move from As Is to To Be
  • Current system and system in future need to be portrayed in the document, including interfaces with existing system.
  • Similarly this needs to be done for processes like hiring, transfer, etc

Also See:  What is ASAP Methodology?