What is AS IS and TO-BE in SAP?

While doing biz blue printing, SAP Consultant goes to the client and understands their business model, how are they working and what they have been doing, how are they working, is called AS – IS.

TO BE is a plan SAP consultant will present them which will enable them to improve their service,operations and controlling while keeping the costs to their minimum. (Post Implementation)

AS IS study is the one of the most Important & begins of the SAP Implementation project.

The Consultant has to go to the client place and has to gather all the details provided by the client.

There after only consultant can prepare Business Blue Print which will come under second head of the ASAP ie To BE process.

AS IS study help the project in such a way that ex – how many modules that are used from SAP,how many teams required for project, schedule date for go live & project etc. so its atmost important.

AS-IS process in summary involves 

1) Series of meeting with the client.

2) Gathering complete information about the existing system.

3) Preparation of the blue print documents describing the complete AS-IS process ,i mean the existing system.

4) Flow charts should be included in the as-is blue print process flow document describing the complete process.

5) After this is finished u have to give the TO-BE process structure that will be implemented in SAP.

6) After that there will be some things  which cannot be implemented in SAP so the gaps are to be identified.

7) These gaps are to be documented in white paper for the client.