SAP BW Interview Questions

SAP BW/BI (Business Warehousing) Interview Questions and Answers

SAP BW Business Warehousing is an end-to-end data warehousing solution that uses pre-existing SAP technologies. We have listed of SAP BW Interview Questions and Answers that have been designed for SAP BW professionals who are preparing interviews on SAP BW (Business Warehousing). Here, we have added some basic and advanced or both questions on SAP BW Interview Questions and Answers. 

List of SAP BW Interview Questions and Answers

SAP BW is built on the Basis 3-tier architecture and coded in the ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) language. It uses ALE (Application Link Enabling) and BAPI (Business Application Programming Interface) to link BW with SAP systems and non-SAP systems.

How the dimensions are optimized?

It system can be used as many as possible for performance, for instance it may be assumed that 100 products and 200 customers; if one dimension for both, the size of the dimension will be 20000; if it was made individual dimensions then the total number of rows will be 300. Even if they are taken more than one characteristic per dimension, the math considering worst case and decide which characteristics may be combined in a dimension.

What is BW Statistics and how is it used?

The set of info cubes delivered by SAP as a part of SAP BIW which are useful in measuring the performance of how quickly a query is calculated, or how quickly data in loaded into BW and so on. BW statistics are the name suggest are useful in showing data about the costs associated with BW queries, aggregative data, OLAP, SAP business warehouse management.

What is data integrity?

Data Integrity is about eliminating duplicate entries in the database. Data integrity means no duplicate data.

What is index?

Indices/Indexes are used to locate needed records in a database table quickly. BW uses two types of indices, B-tree indices for regular database tables and bitmap indices for fact tables and aggregate tables.

How can an info object as info provider and why?

When the report on characteristics or master data, it can make them as info provided for example make CUSTOMER as info provided and do Bex reporting on CUSTOMER, right click on the info area and select “Insert Characteristic as data target”.

What is the use of process chain?

The use of Process Chain is to automate the data load process. Used to automate all the processes including Data load and all Administrative Tasks like indices creation deletion, Cube compression etc. Highly controlled data loading.

What are the load process and processing?

The load process and processing are the Info package, Read PSA and update data target, save hierarchy, update ODS data object, data export open hub, delete overlapping requests.

What is the use of change log table?

Change log is used for delta updates to the target; it stores all changes per request and updates the target.

What is the procedure to convert an info package group into a process chain?

The procedure to convert an info package group into a process chain is by double clicking on the info package group, click on the Process Chain Maintenance button and type in the name and description, the individual info packages are inserted automatically.

How can a cube have partitioned for which the data already exists?

The cube cannot be partitioned if the data already exists the cube must be empty to do this, one work around is to make a copy of the cube A to cube B, export data from A to B using export data source, empty cube A, create partition on A, re-import data from B, and delete cube B.

We have prepared this list of interview questions will be highly beneficial for who are stepping towards their career as SAP BI/BW consultants especially for those who are still fresher’s. Moreover, in this post I have also listed some useful SAP BW Interview Questions and Answers for experienced professionals that will definitely help them to grab their dream job…Keep learn.