SAP BASIS Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

SAP BASIS Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers – Technosap

SAP Basis is like an operating system for R/3. It sits between the ABAP/4 code and the computer’s operating system. We have listed of SAP Basis interview questions and Answers that have been designed for SAP Basis professionals who are preparing interviews on SAP Basis. Here, we have added some basic and advanced or both questions on SAP Basis Interview Questions and Answers.

SAP likes to call it middle ware because it sits in the middle, between ABAP/4 and the operating system. SAP Basis sitting between ABAP/4 and the operating system. ABAP/4 cannot run directly on an operating system. It requires a set of programs (collectively called Basis) to load, interpret, and buffer its input and output. Without SAP Basis, ABAP/4 programs cannot run. When the operator starts up R/3, you can think of him as starting up Basis. Basis is a collection of R/3 system programs that present you with an interface. Using this interface, the user can start ABAP/4 programs.

Top SAP BASIS Interview Questions and Answers

At what stages we need to transport the requests

Whenever we need the change the objects and need to transport we have to perform transports like user request , client transport etc..

How to perform the transport?

Through STMS_IMPORT or through FTP.

Whenever I Suppose to start the MMC , The message server is starting , but the dispatcher and work process is unable to start ? what could be the problem ?

If the Gateway service failed, can you connect to other r/3 System?

What are the Background job you applied?

Checking the spool logs, Background job logs, Client Copies , etc I Applied one background job Logs ,Client Copies etc..

What is the procedure to applying Patches?

first we will download the patches from the to Trans Directory . In the trans Directory extract the patches using CAR command after that using SAPM we have to import patches into sap level and apply.

How to configure TMS?

Select all systems in a landscape and select for domain controller and type stms and give domain name and go to remain systems and configure the same and come to dc and select configure and distribute option. Create transport route and paths.

How to create Transport Groups?

Through STMS

I Have transported one object then how do u know that it has been applied, And if it is not transported what will you do? How to Create that Object is not yet transferred?

IF the request is not in the queue of target system it means it has been applied. If it is there the object is not yet applied.

What is difference between transport layer and development class?

Development class is assign to transport layer.

Do you know about OSS what do you do with OSS?

Yes it is online system service.

Do you know Logon Groups at which situation will be created Logon group?

Yes, If we find load on application server then we have to create logon group (If the production department users are more than we have to create logon group for that department)

How many no of users have been connected to that particular logon group?

100 to 150 users

What is the purpose of Enqueue processor?

Enque work process makes sure that database in consistent state

if you have observed enque overflow? what will you do?


What is your landscape?

Three 3 system Landscape

What are the stats of back ground job?

5 states

At what stages we need to transport the requests

Whenever we need the change the objects and need to transport we have to perform transports like user request, client transport etc.

How to perform the transport?

Through STMS_IMPORT or through FTP.

There are lot of opportunities and jobs from many premier companies in the world. You still have chance to move ahead in your career in SAP Basis. We have prepared simple SAP Basis Interview Questions and Answers that helps you in getting your dream career as SAP Basis consultant.