SAP HCM Interview Questions

SAP HR Tutorial – SAP HCM Module Training Tutorials

SAP HR Tutorial (HCM Module) – To learn some of the free SAP HCM (Human Capital Management) called as SAP Human Resource (HR) module and tutorials for beginners.

SAP Human Capital Management (SAP HCM) is one of the key module in SAP and also stands/called as SAP Human Resource (HR) or SAP Human Resource Management System (SAP HRMS). This post gives basic tutorial and the overview.

SAP HR /HCM is one of the most widely used modules in SAP. I have written a lot on SAP HR Tutorial and this is a summary post that will work as an index to go through with all of them in order. SAP HR some of the key modules are as follows.

Organizational Management − Organizational Management includes Personal cost, Personnel development, and event management.

Time Management − Time management includes time recording of attendance, time schedule and etc.

Personnel Administration − Personnel Administration includes personal and organizational structure, and integration with time and payroll, etc.

Payroll − Payroll dealing of types, payroll group configuration, primary and secondary wages, gross pay, bonus, some more feature etc.

Recruitment − Recruitment includes hiring an employee, maintaining HR master data, etc.

Training and Event Management − Training and Event Management deals with identifying training needs, scheduling training, training cost management, etc.

Travel Management − Travel Management includes managing official trips, cost management for travel, travel expenses, etc.

SAP HR Tutorial/ Course

Tutorial : Payroll Configuration Steps for FI

Tutorial :How to Create HR Report Category in Logical Database PNP?

Tutorial :Wage Types in SAP HR

Tutorial : HR Human Resource Transaction Codes

Tutorial : SAP HR Table list

Tutorial :SAP HR Interview Questions and answers

Organizational management is actually assigned to the planning components of SAP HR (Human Resource Management), which are not part of the subject-matter of this book. However, because it represents a utility for structuring even without the use of personnel planning and development, it should be mentioned here. Use of organizational management when using personnel administration is definitely advisable as a basis for structuring and evaluation.

SAP HR Tutorial for beginners explain what SAP HR /HCM module, and it gives a brief understanding of messaging and important SAP HR (Human Resource) concepts are explained above post. I will be adding more posts in SAP HR tutorial, so please bookmark the post for future reference too.