sap hana

Make Faster Business Decisions With SAP HANA

Anyone familiar with SAP’s solutions for the Intelligence Enterprise understands that intelligent enterprises effectively use their data assets to achieve their desired outcomes faster and with less risk. At the core of any intelligent enterprise is the SAP solutions and the cloud platform. How SAP HANA help to make faster business decisions can discuss with simple steps.

But data in a platform isn’t meaningful until it’s put in a context that makes sense. This is why SAP Analytics Cloud support live data connectivity to the cloud platform. SAP HANA helps customers to do analytics on live transactions directly without the need to acquire or replicate the data.

SAP HANA is an in-memory, column-oriented, relational database management system. The primary function of HANA is as a database server is to retrieve data. In addition, it can also perform advanced analytics like predictive analytics, spatial data processing, text analytics, text search, streaming analytics and graph data processing. It also includes extract, transform and load capabilities.

SAP HANA coincide with the new technologies concepts that are driving business operations, such as cloud services and mobile computing, irrespective of the group which organization belongs it is imperative to make the decision based on objective and tangible of the business benefits.

Here are a few ways SAP HANA can help businesses,

1),SAP HANA helps to view all data and analytics together

Today, the IT department can easily combine and create all the data that a business analyst will need in a single data platform. And that business analyst can connect easily to visualize, plan and make predictions on that data, with a single analytics tool.

But SAP recognizes that business users also need flexibility and users like to create their own datasets. This is why SAP Analytics Cloud gives them the ability to mash data from multiple sources with HANA so they can combine it with their corporate enterprise and any other data they want to explore.

To make this data more usable, SAP HANA provides data preparation tools for IT to format the data in a way that’s useful to the business users.

2), Make fast and confident decisions

With the in-built memory, businesses can understand changes and react immediately. By leveraging the live data connectivity to HANA, the data can be seen instantly without replicating from the cloud.

To facilitate fast decisions, SAP HANA includes pre-built content and templates. Integrated data quality functionality helps business users feel confident in the data they are using to make decisions. HANA provides all the tools a DBA needs to format the data in a way that usable for the business.

3), Realize your business in the cloud

SAP HANA provides you with a fast and instant return on investment as the entire business is managed in the cloud. The cloud provides infrastructure to manage data, which can be increased or reduced as per the need of the business. It lets you spin instances up quickly without worrying about sizing, configuring hardware or database and analytics tools from an operational perspective. Thus HANA helps you to quickly innovate and quickly take advantage of new features and innovations.

4), SAP HANA helps to reduce ownership cost

With the facility to increase or reduce infrastructure required to host data in the cloud, SAP HANA helps business to opt for necessary hardware infrastructure which is required. This helps businesses to reduce the ownership cost. The saved money can be used in other important aspects of the business.


SAP HANA helps to view all business data in the cloud and make fast and confident decisions.

The author of this article is working with Accely, providing customer flexible, rapidly deployed, end-to-end enterprise resource planning, Mobility Solutions, E-Commerce and Business Analytics Solutions through the SAP suite of applications and other leading technologies.