Automatic Clearing in SAP Configuration

What is Automatic Clearing in SAP Configuration?

Automatic clearing in SAP is one of the functionality used to clear the accounts with open and clear items. And further used group the open items basing on some criteria and clears them according to the criteria.

Automatic clearing in SAP Steps 

Prepare Automatic clearing: Menu Path: financial accounting >general ledger accounting>business transactions>open item Clearing>prepare automatic

Transaction code: clearing: TC: OB74. 

  • Click on new entries button
  • Give chart of accounts: 2006
  • Give account type: K, D, S
  • Give the account numbers from number and to number
  • Give the clearing criterion or group criterion and save the data.

Post the transaction in open item accounts. And clear it with partial clearing option. There by both the items appear as open items.

Now execute the Automatic clearing Program as under:

Menu Path: Accounting>financial accounting>general ledger>automatic clearing 

Automatic Clearing in SAP Configuration

F-13 automatic clearing with or without specifying the currency.

Give the details and select the accounts for executing the program:

It automatically clears the open items. This program is useful for clearing the open items with automatic posting transactions.i.e. GR/IR clearing account.

This program is used to clear the account with huge volume of accounts with numerous line items either on line or as background processing as batch input. And further it is useful clear the gl accounts with post automatically option is set. The individual accounts will be cleared by manual clearing of an account in F-03 clear functionality.

The automatic clearing functionality is quiet different form the automatic payment program used in accounts receivable and accounts payable component. The Automatic payment program is defined to clear the open items in customer and vendor accounts, and post the entries in bank accounting and issues the cheques for paid amounts simultaneously. Automatic clearing function is simply to clear the open items basing on the grouping criterion.

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