Exchange rates in SAP

How to Enter Exchange rates, and Types in SAP?

We have to enter the exchange rates to all exchange rate types if necessary or if you are following one type of rate,

we can maintain the rates for that type only.

  • Give the details as under
  • Give exchange rate type :B
  • Give valid from date:010406
  • Give ratio from:1
  • Give currency: usd
  • Give rate: applicable
  • Give ratio 1
  • Give to currency: inr
  • Save

We can maintain different rates for different exchange rate types with different validity periods. Generally these rates will be downloaded from everyday from RBI. These data will be maintained in currency table.

Exchange rates in SAP

While posting the foreign exchange transactions, the system by default considers the Average Rate Type i.e. M rate type and assigns the rate on the particular date on which the transactions are posted. Otherwise we can assign any exchange rate type; accordingly the system considers the rate and rate type as well. The posting will be made in F-02 General posting only (for gl accounts) or otherwise respective screens.

Howe to define accounts for exchange rates differences

With a view to consider the exchange rate fluctuations we have to define the accounts for exchange rate differences accounts. And make the automatic determinations accounts for exchange rate differences.

Menu Path: Financial accounting>general ledger accounting>business transactions>open item clearing> define accounts for exchange differences:

Transcation Code: TC OB90 

  • Give chart of accounts: 2006
  • Select new entries button:
  • Give the account number: Gl account (the ac for which considers exchange diff)
  • Give the ex. rate diff realized accounts: ex. diff account (either single or two diff A/Cs)

We can maintain the number of accounts basing the currency type, gl account type separately or single account for all types of currencies and currency types also.

Also See: What is Consumption based Planning in SAP MM?