sap router

What is SAP Router? and How to Configure SAP Router?

SAP router is an executable file downloaded from service market place. It will be in the run directory (Older versions). For latest version we need to download from the Market place.what is sap router means.

Prerequisites (Till 6th point is from SAP Website not from Willsys Notes)

You have the latest version of SAP router (available from the SAP Service Marketplace


Steps to Configure SAP Router

The SAP router version must not be under 23.


  1. Create the sub directory sap router in the directory <drive>:\usr\sap.
  1. Download the latest version of the SAP router from SAP Service Marketplace. Read the README file in this package. Copy the executables saprouter.exe and niping.exe to the directory you have just created.

If there is no SAP router there, you can get a version (may be obsolete) from your directory <drive>:\usr\sap\<SID>\SYS\exe\run.

  1. If SAP router has already been entered as a service with srvany.exe, remove the definition of the service from the Registry and restart the host.
  1. Define the service with the following command: ntscmgr install SAProuter -b …\saprouter\saprouter.exe -p “service -r <parameter>“

sap router

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Please note:

The points stand for <drive>:\usr\sap

<parameter> can be replaced by other parameters with which SAProuter is to be started. It is important that the parameters are within the character string enclosed in double quotation marks.

  1. Define standard service properties in Control Panel ® Services, set the startup type to “automatic” and enter a user. SAP router should not run under the System Account.
  1. To avoid the error message “The description for Event ID (0)” in Windows NT event log, you have to enter the following in the registry: Under

 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SYSTEM -> CurrentControlSet -> Services -> Event Log -> Application enter the key saprouter and define the following values for it:

  • EventMessageFile (REG_SZ): ….\saprouter\saprouter.exe
  • TypesSupported (REG_DWORD): 0x7


In usr\sap directory create a sub folder called SAPRouter. We have to maintain maintenance optimizer in Solution Manager and should get an approval to download SAP Router with our host name and IP Address (This info need to send to SAP)

We have to download Cryptographic file so that it will connect to SAP System by converting the password related information.

SAP Router are meant to login to our SAP System (remote) by the SAP to resolve any issue that may occur.

Keep the files in TRANS Directory and usr\sap\trans…

Locale -a will tells us what language the system will support

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