SAP BI Security

What is SAP BI Security? SAP authorization Objects

SAP BI Security is similar to R/3 Security which consists of SU20, SU21, SU22, SU25 with authorization field, activities, authorization objects, authorization classes, authorization profiles, composite profiles, menus, favorites, user assignments, user comparison, roles, composite roles etc.

The below Step-By-step guide will help the SAP BI Security process.

  1. New Security Features
  2. Web tools for modeling, development, administration and deployment

SAP BI Security – SAP authorization objects

The area that differs is to protect the info objects at field level. SAP Provides around 20 authorization objects which are required for reporting administration.

RSR and RS – is the prefix for all reports.

S_RS_COMP – Info Area, Info Provider, reporting component.

S_RS_COMP1 – Reporting component, Qry Owner

S_RS_LCUBE – Info Area, Info Cube, Info cube Sub object

SAP Provided RSSM and RSSMTRACE upto 3.1c version of BW.

Solution Manager is a CRM System, BI System & Solution Manager System. If you install Solman we will get all the above components.

From BW3.5 i.e. Netweaver onwards the above transaction is obsolete. Now it is RSECADMIN.

– In BW3.0 the RSSM, RSSMTRACE, RSSMQ has been moved to RSECADMIN in Netweaver 7.0

Eg: To Create custom authorization object we use SU21 in R/3 where as in BW(BI) we use RSECADMIN.

In order to protect the reports at object and field level we need to make them authorization relevant in RSA1 where as SU20 in R/3. PFCG will defaultly we need to use.

Goto > RSA1 – BI Content – Info Object

RSA1 is the TCode which is used to activate the content and replicate the content. It is also use to define key figures, Chars, Info Cubes, DSO, Info Objects. It is also use to define the transport connections and editability in the Target systems.

In RSA1 – Transport Connection – Select the grouping , objects – Select the object click on Truck BEX we can transport in this way. We have another button Object Changeability with this we can give the object as a edit compatibility.

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