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Python Tutorial – Quick Guide: Learn Python Programming Online

This document includes a basic Python tutorial and information on learning Python, a programming language that first appeared in the late 1980s. In contrast to other widely used languages like C, C++, Java, and C#, Python aims to offer a straightforward but effective syntax. At businesses and institutions like Google, Yahoo, CERN, Industrial Light and Magic, and NASA, Python is utilized for software development. Python’s charm is that it is approachable for new programmers and enables them to take on fascinating challenges more rapidly than many other, more complex languages that have a steeper learning curve. Experienced programmers can achieve remarkable things with Python.

Python Tutorial

Python Introduction

Python is a high-level general purpose programming language:

  • Python is suitable for usage as a scripting language, a language for implementing Web applications, etc. since code is automatically translated to byte code and executed.
  • Python can offer the performance required for even compute-intensive workloads because it can be extended in C and C++.
  • Python helps us to develop clear, logical applications for small and large jobs due to its powerful structural constructs (nested code blocks, functions, classes, modules, and packages) and consistent usage of objects and object-oriented programming.

Important features of Python:

  • Builtin high level data types: strings, lists, dictionaries, etc.
  • The usual control structures: if, ifelse, ifelifelse, while, plus a powerful collection iterator (for).
  • Multiple levels of organizational structure: functions, classes, modules, and packages. These assist in organizing code. An excellent and large example is the Python standard library.
  • Compile on the fly to byte code Source code is compiled to byte code without a separate compile step. Source code modules can also be “precompiled” to byte code files.
  • Object oriented Python provides a consistent way to use objects: everything is an object. And, in Python it is easy to implement new object types (called classes in object oriented programming).
  • Extensions in C and C++ Extension modules and extension types can be written by hand. There are also tools that help with this, for example, SWIG, sip, Pyrex.
  • Jython is a version of Python that “plays well with” Java. See: The Jython Project

Overview of Python:

  • A scripting language Python is suitable (1) for embedding, (2) for writing small unstructured scripts, (3) for “quick and dirty” programs.
  • Not a scripting language (1) Python scales. (2) Python encourages us to write code that is clear and well structured.
  • Interpreted, but also compiled to bytecode. Modules are automatically compiled (to .pyc) when imported, but may also be explicitly compiled.
  • Provides an interactive command line and interpreter shell. In fact, there are several.
  • Dynamic For


○ Types are bound to values, not to variables.

○ Function and method lookup is done at runtime.

○ Values are inspectable.

○ There is an interactive interpreter, more than one, in fact.

○ You can list the methods supported by any given object.

  • Strongly typed at run time, not compile time. Objects (values) have a type, but variables do not.
  • Reasonably high level High level builtin data types; high level control structures (for walking lists and iterators, for example).
  • Object-oriented Almost everything is an object. Simple object definition. Data hiding by agreement. Multiple inheritance. Interfaces by convention. Polymorphism.
  • Highly structured Statements, functions, classes, modules, and packages enable us to write large, well-structured applications. Why structure? Readability, locateability,


  • Explicitness
  • First class


○ Definition: Can (1) pass to function; (2) return from function; (3) stuff into a

Data structure.

○ Operators can be applied to values (not variables). Example: f(x)[3]

  • Indented block structure ” Python is pseudocode that runs.”
  • Embedding and extending Python Python provides a well-documented and supported way (1) to embed the Python interpreter in C/C++ applications and (2) to extend Python with modules and objects implemented in C/C++.

○ In some cases, SWIG can generate wrappers for existing C/C++ code automatically. See

Python Tutorial for Beginners

Tutorial :What is Phyton? Phyton Introduction

Tutorial : Phyton Functions

Tutorial : Python Files,Test Code and Scripts

Tutorial : How to Install Phyton in Windows?

Tutorial: Python Strings,Text and Printing

Tutorial: Python for loops and lists

Tutorial: Python Dictionary

Beginner’s Python tutorials provide an introduction to Python as well as a quick overview of messaging and key Python language principles. I’ll be adding additional articles to the Python lesson, so be sure to save it for future use.