Fortran Interview Questions

Fortran Interview Questions and Answers

Below is the list of latest and updated Fortran interview questions and their answers for fresher’s as well as experienced users.  These interview question covers latest version of Fortran. These Fortran interview questions will help you to prepare for the interviews, for quick revision and provide strength to your technical skills. Fortran is a programming language often used by the scientific community. Its name is a contraction of Formula TRANslation. FORTRAN is one of the earliest programming languages and was designed specifically, for solving scientific and engineering computational problems.

Best Fortran Interview Questions and Answers

Here you can find top best Fortran Interview Questions and Answers for beginners and professionals, 

How should one spell FORTRAN/Fortran?

FORTRAN is generally the preferred spelling for discussions of versions of the language prior to the current one (“90”). Fortran is the spelling chosen by X3J3 and WG5. In this document a feeble effort has been made to capitalize accordingly (e.g. vast existing software … FORTRAN vs. generic Fortran to mean all versions of the standard, and specifically the modern dialect, ISO 1539:1991).

Can you give us a complete list of the Fortran commands and what they do?

No, but there are too many pages involved, and copyright problems with the standard Fortran manuals sold by computer software vendors. You’re stuck with the text and Web pages, buying something else from a bookstore, or buying a Fortran package for your PC.

Do we need to prompt the user for input on our programs?

Yes Always! In this section, any programmed “read” from the terminal must be preceded by writing some intelligible message asking for input.

How does Fortran 90 relate to FORTRAN 77?

With a few minor exceptions, Fortran 90 is a superset of X3.9-1978 FORTRAN.

But this does not mean that all “77” codes will port sans changes. Many (if not most) programmers employed constructs beyond the ’77 standard, or rely on unspecified behavior (say, assuming that an OPEN of an existing file will position the file pointer to just past the last record already written) which has changed (that is to say, has become specified).

Why do you put so many lines of empty space in your programs?

I hope the lines aren’t totally empty. They should contain a “c” in column one. These “blank” lines are just to make the comments stand out from Fortran code lines or to highlight key blocks of a program.

What directory is used by the compiler for compiling a Fortran Program? Where does 1’77 live?

For the work in this section, you should assume that everything happens in whatever directory you are in when you type the “f77”. Type “pwd” if you don’t know the answer to this question. The executable file called “f77” resides both in /bin and /usr/bin on these machines. This is very unsual. To locate an executable file use the “whereis” command (e.g. “whereis f77”).

Unfortunately, the manual pages on f77 aren’t connected properly and are listed under IBM’s other name for their compiler, “xlf”. Try “man xlf’ for more information on the compiler, but don’t expect too much. IBM likes to force people to buy manuals and special CD-ROM packages.

How do you use a logical variable? What is stored there?

Most frequently, logical variables are used in association with IF statements. When you want to set a logical variable LVAR to true you use “LVAR=.TRUE.”. For false use “LVAR=.FALSE.” In practice the computer usually stores an integer 0 in memory for false and integer 1 for true. The normal logical variable occupies 1 byte of space.

Where can I get a Fortran Compiler for IBM PC?

We can pick up one on the internet from the GNU project, but get a better package from MOC for about $80.00.

How do we know where various steps go in a Fortran program?

Some commands have special locations, but most are located by the needs of the specific program. The PROGRAM card is always first. Statements giving variable types (INTEGER, REAL, LOGICAL, CHARACTER, …) should precede “executable” statements. The END card must always be at the end of the program unit.

What is the advantage of an array over a spreadsheet format?

Both can store similar types of information in a neatly labelled and organized way. The advantage lies in where they are used. You have more control over how Fortran arrays are used than how the contents of a spreadsheet are used. In addition, for any given operation on an array of numbers, once the Fortran is written, it will do the job much faster than a spreadsheet. On the other hand, when operations are not complex and computer execution time is not a problem using the spreadsheet is probably your best bet.

Thus, the compilation of these questions includes some of the major points that can be asked during an interview. The Fortran interviewers generally check the base knowledge of a candidate, which can be gained by practicing these questions prior interview.

So if you have finally found your dream job in Fortran but are wondering how to crack the Fortran Interview and what could be the probable Fortran Interview Questions. Every interview is different and the scope of a job is different too. Hope above assist you to get a dream Job. Keep Learn.